Leading the way

Helpful Resources and Links

A comprehensive listing of helpful websites for General Health and Disease Specific concerns appears below.

General Health Websites

HealthLink BC – http://www.healthlinkbc.ca/servicesresources/811/

Abbotsford Regional Hospitalhttp://www.fraserhealth.ca/find-us/hospitals/abbotsford-regional-hospital-and-cancer-centre/ 

Fraser Health – http://www.fraserhealth.ca/en/

Abbotsford Police Department – http://www.abbypd.ca/Contact

Public Health Agency of Canada – http://www.phac-aspc.gc.ca/ 

Family Doctorhttp://familydoctor.org/online/famdocen/home.html: Includes good general information about health and diseases, including healthy living tips, over-the-counter medications and various health tools.

Health Finderhttp://healthfinder.gov/: Includes general information regarding health and diseases, including healthy living tips, various health tools and updated health news

HealthLinkBChttp://www.healthlinkbc.ca/: Learn about your Health Topics. Check your symptoms with the Symptom Checker. Find Services and Resources.

Mayo Clinic Symptom Checkerhttp://www.mayoclinic.com/health/symptom-checker/DS00671: Entering your symptoms produces a list of possible problems. Not to be used to diagnose an issue, just for giving you tips for preparing for an appointment with your doctor and what to expect from an appointment

Medline Plushttp://medlineplus.gov/: Good general information about health and diseases – in 47 different languages.

Patient UKhttp://www.patient.co.uk/: 897 information leaflets on health and disease. Also has videos (details of both internal and external online videos), diagrams (a list of body part diagrams), poems and stories (a list of works aimed at helping people to understand medical conditions.

Public Health Agency of Canadahttp://www.phac-aspc.gc.ca/index-eng.php: News, Health, Safety & Prevention Info

UpToDatehttp://www.uptodate.com/online/content/toc.do?tocKey=table_of_contents/12: UpToDate offers patient education materials about the most common medical conditions and procedures.

Disease Specific Websites

Gastroenterology – http://gicare.com: Information about gastroenterology, digestive ailments, treatments, endoscopy procedures and medications (Private Site).

Heart: Heart and Stroke Foundationhttp://www.heartandstroke.bc.ca/site/c.kpIPKXOyFmG/b.3644309/k.F84D/Heart_Disease_Stroke_and_Healthy_Living.htm: Learn about heart disease, signs of stroke, what high cholesterol and high blood pressure means.

Lung: Canadian Lung Associationhttp://www.lung.ca/diseases-maladies/index_e.php: Information on lung diseases, including COPD, asthma and sleep apnea, including preventing lung diseases. Smoking Cessation – www.quitnow.ca; www.smoking-cessation.org

Diabetes – http://livewellwithdiabetes.com/: Live Well with Diabetes (10 videos); http://www.fraserhealth.ca/media/201605_On_The_Road_Diabetes_Health.pdf On the Road to Diabetes Health – An Information Booklet for People with Type 1 or Type 2 Diabetes (37 pages).

Physical Activity: CSEPhttp://www.csep.ca/english/view.asp?x=723: Guides to exercise for various ages, including goal setting, how to increase physical activity, including things for the whole family; Public Health

Agency of Canadawww.paguide.com: Active people are healthier and more likely to avoid illness and injury.
Sports Medicine: http://www.nismat.org/ NISMAT (Nicholas Institute of Sports Medicine and Athletic Trauma) offers comprehensive sports medicine references and information for practitioners and athletes of all levels. Check out the Physical Therapy Corner for condition specific exercises.

Travel: CDC – http://wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel ; Travel Doctor – http://www.traveldoctor.co.uk

Weight Loss – http://www.healthyweightforum.org/: This site is free, independent and open to all. Primarily a peer education based forum offering support, motivation, recipes and fellowship for those interested in reaching and maintaining a healthy weight